Entering the blogosphere

So here we go.
Welcome to Alter Ego Pop Blog.

My first blog entry — it's about time, right? I'm thrilled at long last to unveil my new website and share ongoing news and updates about my art. After taking a break for nearly four years to perform with an Atlanta-based comedy ensemble company, 2016 signals my return to pop art — and with it an exciting book series that I'm so proud to be associated with (but more of that in a future post).

For now, I thought a fun way to get things started would be to take a look back: specifically my last gallery show at Chic Evolution in Art in December 2011.

An enormous undertaking that took several months to prepare, the show featured over 30 large-scale prints and 28 wood-framed “Pop Blocks.” Among the gallery crowd, you'll find EJ Aviance dressed as one of my Alter Egos, DJ Scott Anthony, a couple of Atlanta Real Housewives and the legendary Marilyn.

Cynthia Bailey adding her own pop of color to the evening.CLICK IMAGE to see more photos from the gallery show.

Cynthia Bailey adding her own pop of color to the evening.
CLICK IMAGE to see more photos from the gallery show.

I was clearing surrounded by towering divas that evening. With EJ Aviance and Cynthia Bailey

I was clearing surrounded by towering divas that evening. With EJ Aviance and Cynthia Bailey